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We work with people who have insurance coverage from many different providers. They choose to work with us and pay out of pocket for service for a variety of reasons; from wanting to work more creatively, wanting to have their work not be controlled by an insurance company, and / or not having to be diagnosed with mental health disorder in order to receive ongoing support for healing and growth.


While we do not accept insurance outright.  We do provide "SuperBill" paperwork that allow our clients to utilize the Out of Network benefits included in most commercial insurance plans to seek re-payment for services we provide. 

What Are The Advantages of Self-Pay?


-Your information would remain completely private and confidential between you and your therapist.

-You would not have to surrender any confidential information to your insurance company.


-Create a long-term relationship with your provider.

-Employers often change insurance companies to save money.  You may form a bond with your therapist only to find out that he or she is not a provider on your new plan.


-You are in complete control.

-You are in control of how many sessions you want instead of the insurance company who has the right to determine if you are eligible for counseling services rather than it being your choice. 

What Are The Disadvantages of Using Insurance Instead of Self-Pay?

In order for insurance to reimburse your treatment you will receive a mental health diagnosis that goes in your permanent medical record. This diagnosis constitutes a “pre-existing condition” that may be a disqualification from benefits in the future or may otherwise interfere with your coverage if you change plans.
Insurance rarely pays for marital or relationship therapy. Instead, one partner will be identified as the “identified patient” and will receive a mental health diagnosis. The insurance company will then authorize conjoint treatment for that person and his/her partner.
Red tape.
Insurance policies often limit the number of sessions you are allowed to attend each year.  They may or may not authorize more sessions based on what they determine is a “medical necessity”.  Your therapist will have little say in this decision and making your case may involve a lot of paperwork and footwork on your part.

Ethical Dilemmas.

Sometimes therapists will choose to diagnose a client with a more "severe" diagnosis in order to continue to see a client that an insurance provider has denied continued services for based on a more accurate diagnosis. Therapists may also mislead insurance providers about location of services as well since services like "walk & talk therapy" will often be denied by insurance providers.  We like to believe that therapists do this in the best interest of what serves their clients, but it is unethical and The Therapeutic Workshop believes in providing highest ethical and clinical services. 

What Are the Advantages of Using Insurance?

Could be more cost effective if you already have the coverage (no out-of-pocket costs) & if you are able to see the provider you’d prefer under your existing plan. 


Individual Intake Assessment - 60 Minutes - $150

Family Intake Assessment - 60 Minutes - $150

Couples Counseling Intake Assessment - 60 Minutes Couple and two 30 Minute Individual - $300

Group Therapy Intake Assessment - 30 Minutes $75

Individual Session - 50 Minutes - $125

Individual Session - 30 Minutes - $75

Family Session - 50 Minutes - $125

Family Session - 80 Minutes - $200

Group Sessions - 90 Minutes - $40

Group Sessions - 120+ Minutes - $50

Couples Sessions - 60 Minutes - $150

Individual Walking / Nature Sessions +$25-$50 (Depending on Location)

(No additional charge for walking/ nature sessions from Humboldt Park in Bayview)


Most people are probably most familiar with Dungeons & Dragons when it comes to thinking about TTRPG.  That is certainly one of the most popular ones.  But there are many many others. Bellow is a quick link explaining TTRPGs in general or check out our Blog there is a lot about Table Top Role-Playing Therapy Groups there.


What is TTRPG ? #1 video

©2022 by Therapeutic Workshop, LLC

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